Sunday, November 2, 2008

New to AZ

Ok so my wife decided to do this blog thing and I thought I might give it a try. I have only lived in AZ for about 13 months.
Growing up in UT I loved being able to drive 30 minutes and be in the mountains and being able to go camping, hunting, fishing or skiing. The last few years I have not been able to do as much of these great activities as I would like to have done.
Since moving to AZ I have been apprehensive about going and doing these things as I do not know the area or know anyone to go hunting with (not to mention missing the deadlines to draw out for permits). I really miss these activities and hope I can find a hunting buddy before the deer and elk hunts next year, and maybe with a little luck I will be able to draw out for the hunting permits. I also would like to try some hunting not available in UT such as javalina and turkey (although turkey has recently been added to the UT hunts). My brother that lives in TX says turkey hunting is great.
So if you know anyone looking for a hunting and shooting buddy let me know.
